Атрактивна адвокатка која денес заработува со жешки фотографии

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Иако Вероника Белик е дипломиран правник, таа одлучила одреден период да работи како инфлуенсер. Тоа се покажало како добра одлука бидејќи оваа Полјачка денес на Инстаграм ја следат 1,7 милиони луѓе.

Белик на својот профил честопати објавува фотографии од својата фитнес рутина, патувања и стил на живот, но она што особено ја радува машката популација се жешките фотографии на кои таа позира без многу облека…

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The focus of fitness has shifted for a lot of women in recent years. Instead of working out to fit into the social standard of beauty, women are embracing fitness as a way to feel their best and maintain a healthy lifestyle. This is an amazing shift in mentality BUT I’ve seen women get pretentious about it. A lot of women like to get fit for events like prom, a vacation, or a wedding. Sometimes women who are working out for an event get called out on not being body positive. A woman can be body positive and still want to build herself a booty. Body positivity is an amazing new idea in society that has really improved a lot of lives. It gives girls courage to be themselves and have confidence at any size and shape. But when we accuse women of being body negative, we hurt women as a whole. It’s okay for people to have opinions about their own body. It’s not a crime if someone wants to do some pushups to tone their arms. The problem lies when someone is openly criticizing someone else’s body. Yes, that still happens, but I’ve seen women get attacked on social media for wanting to lose weight before their own wedding. And thats’s wrong. We have no right to tell someone what they can and can’t do. Remember that there’s nothing wrong with working out to look good so please don’t bring another woman down for taking an interest in her appearance. She isn’t shallow, body negative or any other negative you feel like it’s your place to say to her. Some of my morning thoughts 👋

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