Осамна досега невидена фотографија од војвотката од Сасекс

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На службениот профил на Инстаграм на војводата и војвотката од Сасекс, односно принцот Хари и неговата сопруга Меган Маркл, осамна досега невидена фотографија.

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Congratulations to @smartworkscharity who just yesterday, dressed their 200th client with items from #TheSmartSet! In September, this two week campaign launched and because of YOU and your commitment to giving back to the community, over 10,000+ items were purchased. Using the 1:1 model, your contribution made a direct impact for Smart Works and the women mobilising back into the workforce. For every item you purchased, one was donated! You made this happen, and we are so thrilled to see you step up and be part of another woman’s success story. Your active generosity will give the women of Smart Works the tools and confidence boost they so deserve, accompanied by the valuable interview prep, guidance and mentorship Smart Works provides. Thank you for your support, and well done for being a part of this success story! The SmartSet capsule collection of workwear essentials was convened by HRH The Duchess of Sussex with leading UK clothing brands John Lewis, Misha Nonoo, Marks & Spencer, and Jigsaw. Thanks to all who played a part in this special project! Above, a photo from The Duchess and Smart Works clients as they shot the campaign, and a photo of Smart Works women who have now been styled in the pieces as they prep for their job interviews! Photo credit: Jenny Zarins

A post shared by The Duke and Duchess of Sussex (@sussexroyal) on

На неа 38-годишната Меган спонтано се смее додека се наоѓа во друштво на неколку жени на снимањето за добротворната организација Smart Works.

Фотографијата е објавена во средина на фамилијарната драма која ја потресе британското кралско семејство откако Хари им оопшти дека божиќните празници нема да ги поминат со нив. Веста е и службено потврдена, а Меган, Хари и нивниот син Арчи ќе уживаат во Божиќот заедно со мајката на Меган, Дориа Регланд.

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