epa04094362 Leader of the Right Sector movement, Dmytro Yarosh (C) speaks during a rally at Independence Square in downtown Kiev, Ukraine, 21 February 2014.  Ukrainian lawmakers have passed a law that allows the freeing of former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko. Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych and opposition leaders signed an agreement on a way out of the country's political crisis. The deal, which was published on the website of the German Foreign Ministry, calls for the formation of a national unity government within ten days and for early presidential elections no later than December. Yanukovych's term ends in March 2015. Shortly after the signing, parliament voted in favour of restoring a 2004 constitution that limits the powers of the president and approved an amnesty.  EPA/MAXIM SHIPENKOV

epa04094362 Leader of the Right Sector movement, Dmytro Yarosh (C) speaks during a rally at Independence Square in downtown Kiev, Ukraine, 21 February 2014. Ukrainian lawmakers have passed a law that allows the freeing of former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko. Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych and opposition leaders signed an agreement on a way out of the country’s political crisis. The deal, which was published on the website of the German Foreign Ministry, calls for the formation of a national unity government within ten days and for early presidential elections no later than December. Yanukovych’s term ends in March 2015. Shortly after the signing, parliament voted in favour of restoring a 2004 constitution that limits the powers of the president and approved an amnesty. EPA/MAXIM SHIPENKOV

Борци на Десен сектор патролираат во градот, за да  ги избегнат провокациите. Експлозија пред полициска станица рани двајца полицајци.

Во последните денови Западна Украина е сцена на насилство меѓу силите на редот и Десниот сектор.

Претставник на украинското Министерство за внатрешни работи соопшти дека експлозијата во Лавов е поврзан со настаните во Мукачево. Од Десен  сектор  ја негираа оваа можност.


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